Monday, March 11, 2019

Another milestone in Mwawesa

Another milestone in Mwawesa…
My office together with the Ministry of Lands Adjudication and Settlement and the County Government of Kilifi today launched the land verification and titling process.
In an occasion graced by Rabai MP Hon. William Kamoti , the exercise will see land in Mwawesa verified and will culminate in the issuance of title deeds. 
The one month process will cover Mikahani/ Mawe Mabomu/ Chonyi Section, Chang’ombe and Mwawesa Adjudication Sections.
The last time land adjudication was done in Mwawesa was in 1983.
#Womeninleadership #Komboamwawesa #Carolmashinani #Godaboveall

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