Sunday, June 16, 2019

Development Meeting in Mwawesa

Today, I had the privilege to host my electorate to another development meeting in Mwawesa, which I hold every month.

In what was a fruitful gathering, I called for more youth to join polytechnics and in the same vein gave cheques worth Shs160,000/= to Bodaboda riders to join driving schools.

I also distributed 8 water tanks to 8 women groups and 4 posho mills to the residents of Golo, Dip, Bwagamoyo and Changombe.





Honourable Members of the County Assembly of Kilifi

Honourable Members of the County Assembly of Kilifi currently attending a Training exercise on Bills received from the Executive. 

The Bills are;

1. The Kilifi County Motorcycle Regulation Bill 2018.

2. The Kilifi County Solid Waste Management Bill, 2019.

3. The Kilifi County Investment and Development Corporation Bill 2019.

4. The Kilifi County Forest Conservation and Management Bill 2019. 

The training program was opened by the Deputy Speaker Hon. Stanley Kenga. 

The Clerk of The County Assembly of Kilifi Mr. Michael Ngala also in attendance.